JavaScript Interview Questions.

Questions you might encounter in your next interview. and I hope this would be helpful to you.

Question 1

What will be the output of the below code snippet?

console.log(1 > 2 > 3); //Output: false


Let break the code into simpler version.
console.log(1 > 2)  //Output: false
console.log(false > 3)  //So over here,false is considered/valued as 0 and true as 1.
console.log(0 > 3)  //0 is less than the result is false.

Question 2

What will be the output of the below code snippet?

console.log(3 > 2 > 1); //Output: false


Let break the code into simpler version.
console.log(3> 2)  //Output: true
console.log(true> 3)  //So over here,true is replaced as 1.
console.log(1 > 3)  //1 is not greater than the result is false.

Question 3

What will be the output of the below code snippet?

(function () {
    console.log("hello world");
  })(); //Output: hello world


The above code snippet is an example of Immediately Invoked Function Expression(IIFE).
An IIFE is a function defined as an expression that runs as soon as it is defined.

More About IIFE

Question 4

What will be the output of the below code snippet?

console.log(0.1 +0.2 ===0.3 ); //Output: false


console.log(0.1 +0.2)  //Output: 0.30000000000000004

It is because JavaScript's number type uses binary floating-point numbers, btw Click here for more info.

Question 5

What will be the output of the below code snippet?

  console.log( typeof null); //Output: object
  console.log( typeof NaN); //Output: number

Thank you for reading... 🙏